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Primrose hotel

Elaine Martini

"Mum, how many days to our holiday?"

"Oh darling, you ask that every day, you know the answer..."

"It was 5 yesterday... 4 days, she says counting on her fingers. Are we still going?"

"Annie, how many times have I said we will have to go another time. It wouldn't be the same without nan."

"Oh no, I would never want to go without nan. I was hoping... Annie stops the sentence knowing what her mum would say next."

"Darling, we will have plenty of chances in the future, don't you worry about it."

"I know mum, but I think about nan. I miss her and I know she would love going away."

"She would, but we can't right now."

Annie looked at the brochure again, they went to that same hotel every year. It was a simple hotel but had something for the whole family to enjoy. For her, it was the best week of the year, apart from her birthday and Christmas. She missed her nan so much. She wished there was something she could do.

It was a beautiful sunny day. Working with her mum in the garden has become one of her favourite things to do. She loved helping with the plants, watching the birds and butterflies. Even ants and insects intrigued her. She was happy having this time with her mum, they felt so much closer to each other.

"Mum, what are these flowers called?

"They are primroses, her mum says without stopping digging weeds out."

"Isn't the hotel called Primrose Hotel? She says remembering the sign by the road."

"That's right sweetheart"

Suddenly Annie is filled with excitement and joy. She felt she just had the best idea ever!

She told the idea to her mum and soon after they were in the car heading to Nan's

"Mum, are we done? Do you think nan didn't see us out here?

"I know your nan, she has a routine and at this time she won't look anywhere else apart from the TV."

"Call nan mum, tell her to look out of the window. I can't wait! Says Annie jumping up and giggling."

Nan looks out of the window to the bed of primroses in all colours. A tear rolls down her face when she sees her daughter and granddaughter in the middle of the flowers holding a sign saying “We miss you and love you so much”. 

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